Saturday, July 21, 2012

I'm back

It has been so long since I have sat myself down to blog. A lot of things happened since 2009 some good some bad. My Dad passed for one...the first person in my immediate family to die. We were not that close but as he aged we became closer. When one of your parents dies, it is a really odd experience. They are older than you, so their death at age 84 is not entirely a surprise...but the feelings you have about it can be surprising. One less person that loves you in the world is something to wrap your head around. Knowing this person was afraid of death and then seeing them in their coffin, you could only hope that they are at peace and no longer afraid. OK - enough of this subject for now...

I also moved in 2010- yes nothing I hate more than moving! Did it way too often as a child. 
Moving Supplies Kit - Moving Supplies
But I had enjoyed the easy life of  apartment living for too long and I needed to start thinking about building equity for retirement, so off I went and bought a house!

I bought a foreclosure that was in pretty good shape - still had all the appliances...yet there were things to be done as it had sat vacant for a year. It will be an ongoing project for a few years yet...until I get it the way I want it - inside and outside. The deep burgundy carpet with the bright pink walls or electric blue walls as in one bedroom had to go!!

...and I also changed jobs in the last two years - so I've been a busy girl to say the least.

So now I am back to blogging and I don't want to forget the main point of this blog was to air my weird stories...odd paranormal things that have happened to me and continue to happen to me- yes, drawn to me like a magnet... and that will definitely be my focus. It will help me feel better about things - get things off my chest and maybe you'll feel better too. If something has happened to you and you read it here as well- you'll know you are not alone or crazy. Well, not crazy for having a paranormal experience anyway. I just have to pick my next topic..should it be this last Halloween when my K2 meter was going off? Answering questions for me about who used to live on my land... or should it be about my sister's haunted house and what happened to me there? 'll decide and I'll be back again soon. Maybe even tonight.
