Thursday, March 5, 2009

The "Hero" sees a hand...

Well, I thought it was going to be a normal day at work - but the joke was on me. One of the women at work apparently passed out today. I found her on the floor under her desk. I don't sit that close to her and she couldn't really get any volume on her voice to call for help - but she tried... and I'm the only person that heard her...5 minutes prior to that I heard what i thought was a big report binder or big book of some sort hit the floor..but didn't think too much of it- people drop things at work all the time. Little did I know it was a person hitting the floor!

About 5 minutes later I heard her whispering a colleague's name - odd, but whatever, I thought..he sits closer to her but I knew he wasn't at his desk... a few minutes later I heard her whisper his name again...but this time the hairs on the back of my neck stood up...I got up out of my chair just in time to hear her whisper my name- then realized that was no book that had fallen. I ran around to the other aisle where she sits and didn't see her at her desk...but I heard crying - she was at the opposite end of her office under her project desk curled in the fetal position! - Jesus - i thought "Donna(let's just call her Donna), Donna - I said - what's going on?!?!" She couldn't move she was too nauseated to move..and she was crying...."I don't know what's wrong" she said "I don't know what's wrong with me"... I wasn't sure if she had hit her head and I didn't want her to pass out again..she said she was going to throw up and I couldn't reach her head under the desk....and I needed to call 911...I ran to the nearest person asked them to call 911 and went back to her...She still didn't want to move but was answering my questions...she didn't have pain - just nausea, dizziness and she was burning up. I told her to squeeze my hand - to help her stay alert. Her body was tensed but she wasn't twitching like a seizure...perhaps it was one though...

After what seemed like an eternity the ambulance arrived- they got lost on the way there and blamed it on "poor signage" I found her at 11:45...the ambulance took her at about 12:30. As of 5:00, she was still at the hospital, disoriented they said and not very communicative...Maybe I'll hear some positive news about her in the morning. She's only 39.

I decided that I was going to relax when I got home from work...kick back, enjoy a Corona..try to unwind after such a bad day..but on the way home I got another fright. I pulled up at a traffic light behind a white Chevy trailblazer with smoked windows...then I realized that where the hitch meets the body, and right by the license plate, there was a severed hand.

Oh I'm hoping it was fake - but it certainly wasn't one of those rubbery, wiggly Spencer's Gift's was not wiggly or rubbery at all..or that bright fake fleshy color..oh no, it was gray-ish- only a slight hint of pink with two dirty knuckles, a grease smear mark under the pinkie finger and dirt under every fingernail. I got my cell phone out to take a pic - I'd get the license plate and the hand!..but the phone said "not enough space!" What? - Stupid BlackJack!! Then the light changed and he or she went straight and I went to the right.

What a day.

It had to be fake, right???
