Sunday, March 1, 2009

I have predictive dreams...

Alright, so we all have dreams. Some we remember vividly when we wake up and with others we recall only that it was a funny, scary or odd dream in some way. I never used to have predictive dreams - it started in 2003 and the two that I have had seem to follow a specific genre of "transportation disasters".

When I awoke from my first one in January of 2003, I didn't realize it was predictive dream at all, just very real - the most life-like dream I've ever had in my life. I would have sworn I was really there and when you are startled awake by such dreams one of the first things you try to figure out, is where you are!!

In a nutshell, my first predictive dream was about an exploding airplane. This big, white chunky looking thing. It didn't just crash it exploded into a mass of fiery pieces that went streaming past me as I was standing...somewhere. The fire was intense and I could feel the heat. Next, I was seeing things through the eyes of some man in a jumpsuit wearing a harness. I, er I mean "he" was in a helicopter, in the back with the right side cargo door open. His harness was secured inside the helicopter but he was leaning out searching the desert floor for something..anything shiny, out of the ordinary. This helicopter was flying so low you could make out the individual rocks and tumble weeds. Then I woke up.

I sat straight up in bed because it was all so real and the explosion so graphic...I couldn't get back to sleep for some time afterwards. I felt such a profound sense of loss and tragedy, it was really disturbing.

It wasn't even two weeks later that the Columbia space shuttle exploded, strewing it's parts over the Southwestern US desert. A day or two later the evening news featured the recovery effort and they said how any objects or pieces recovered would be extremely important to the investigation. They had a shot of low flying helicopters, flying somewhere over the desert in the Southwestern US. Men in military jumpsuits, wearing harnesses leaning out the back cargo doors of the low flying crafts scanning the desert floor for what could be the key to the mystery.

My jaw dropped when I saw the "harness guys" on the news. I had suspected after the tragedy that this was what my dream was about. But the harness guys sealed the deal for me. I had a strange sense of wonder about this for several days...

I've had one other such dream since that time which I'll write about later. I'm happy to say that these sorts of dreams are not the norm for me, happening rarely. While weird things happen to me- I'd much prefer they didn't.

Until next time, sleep well. :)      
"Paranormal Water Bottle"
