Monday, July 23, 2012

My sister's house is haunted

If you are  like me when you hear, " my house is haunted", or "that house is haunted", you want to hear all the details so that you can shoot the story down. There has to be a legitimate reason for what people have experienced, right? At least that is how I used to feel until 2008. I just can't explain what happened to me there on one of my pet sitting visitations...and I am open to any suggestions from readers who can help me file this in the right slot in my head. It has been four years and I still, truly, can't quite wrap my head around it.

As I've said in a prior post I often house/pet sit for my sister and her husband when they go on vacation. I really enjoy it. They live on about 9 acres in Jersey. It's quiet, peaceful and I can spend some quality time with the cats. I'll pick peppers in the garden and have a little swim in the pool and relax.

Now my sister has mentioned that she thought something might be going on at the house right after they first moved in. I had known this for years. The attic door opening and closing at night, other noises, animals acting strangely etc. They moved in back in 1999 and this was now 2008. I had been there many times by myself to house sit since '99, knowing she thought it may be haunted and nothing happed. Nothing that is, except the chuckling.

There was one visit in 2007 - again to house sit, when I was getting my overnight bag out of the trunk and I heard - chuckling. You know how a man can laugh with his mouth shut? So instead of ha ha ha it comes out  "hmp hmp hmp"? that's what I heard - only right in my ear and I was standing alone in the driveway! I was startled but thought - must be the neighbors making some noise. Sound carries funny through the valley and hills. I really hadn't convinced myself it was the neighbors but since I was staying there alone that night I pretended to believe it and the rest of the weekend went off without a hitch.

When my sister returned from vacation I mentioned that I heard chuckling and she said, "OH - you mean the hmp, hmp, hmp,?" ... She told me she has heard that several times herself. Hmmm. Interesting.

So back to 2008, I arrived at my sister's one hot August Saturday without incident. Unpacked without being chuckled at and went inside and located my two charges for the weekend, Boris and Natasha. We said hello and they were anxious to go outside so I made a quick run though the house to make sure everything was as it should be. All was in order, so I grabbed a soda and we all went out back. I went towards the garden and they went off towards the woods to do whatever cats do, sniffing everything along the way.

I had spied some nice looking tomatoes in the garden and I was hungry for a tomato salad, so I popped open the garden gate, found the baby scissors they kept out there for cutting the veggies and fruits from the vines- and got busy. I decided to harvest some peppers and a cucumber as well so I had my back to the house for about 10 minutes. When I turned around to inspect some other vines, I spied the house in the distance, and nearly died.

It was wavy, fluctuating almost. It was as if it was behind a giant...shower curtain liner! I thought - what the?!...I contacts must be really old or something... now when I looked again it was worse. Now there were three tubular columns of white fluffy/smoky stuff coming out of the house. Like tubes stretching 20 or 30 feet in the air. All coming out of the third floor windows one on the far side one to the back and one to the front. For a moment the whole house reminded me of a big jester's hat! The kind with the little bells on the ends that stick out and tinkle in a creepy way! The fluffy columns were about as big around as a person and growing like sprouts out of the wavy house. I finally realized it must be a fire and my heart sank. 

How could this be? I just did my walk though 15 minutes ago - everything was fine!! I could not see any flames or smell anything burning but there was no doubt that there was something terribly wrong. I dropped my vegetables and charged up to the house. Running with baby scissors. Petrified screaming "not on my watch!" "You're not burning on my watch!"

The strange thing was, the closer I got the more the smoke tubes shrank back into the I approached it was as if I scared them into shrinking back to where ever they came from...I was running slower now to the back door where the straggler fluffy smoke tube still lingered. Solid- not wispy and not a hint of smoky smell. No flames from the house. No waviness- not anymore. Now I was on the back patio staring at a 6 ft long 3 inch circumference white fluffy tube...thing! I stopped and stood still, The tip of it burst into a sizzling ball and moved towards me- towards my face! It came to within about two feet of my face and appeared to be - inspecting me. It looked like a little serpent. It hovered for a few seconds and suddenly I smelled rotten eggs. the stench was over whelming soon as I thought I would gag- it got smaller sizzled less and disappeared in mid air. Gone -just gone. No dissipation as you would expect. No smell, no smoke, as if it had never been there... I charged into the house looking for smoke or smell or - something...and there was nothing. I ran up to the third floor- quiet as a church. No fire, no smell no smoke, No more fizzy serpents inspecting me and smelling of rotten eggs. It was over and now I was mad. 

I started yelling..."I don't care what you are or if you think you own this place but don't you EVER and I mean EVER pull that crap on me again! I came here to relax and damn it you ruined everything! Never again - do you hear me?" Silence.

I ran downstairs and out the front door and into the front yard and squatted down and just stared. Stared at the  house for 45 minutes. I couldn't understand it. I know what I saw, but how could it be.  After 45 minutes I realized I still had to stay there that night...or maybe not. I tried to rationalize it - maybe it was a stray firework! Yes at noon on a hot Saturday in August- could happen?? Although they don't inspect your face and disappear with no smoky dissipation...but the thought got me through the day. I looked for dead fireworks on the roof, around the house and found nothing. No malfunctioning appliances no- anything that could cause this.

As the sun went down,I tried to convince myself that it was the heat. I wasn't feeling well and thought i saw these things...but that didn't work either. Heck, I don't run that fast for a figment of my imagination!

I debated moving to a hotel, but I am cheap so I stayed the night. I was back in the guest room.

Out on 9 acres it gets pretty dark so I turned on the night light. Yup. I am not proud. I fell asleep.

I thought I heard something @ 3:00a   and woke up- then to my dismay the bedroom doorknob slowly began to turn... click by click I heard it. I couldn't swallow or move...holding my breath- I thought I would pee or barf I was so scared. The final click came and the door swung open and in bounded a little black cat. Natasha! Dear God! I was so relieved I nearly cried...

So that's one of my haunted stories and I will remember it always. It's still not the scariest thing that has ever happened to me, that's the UFO story in a post to come...but this ranks right up there.

Still not sure what is scarier though, sulphuric smelling fizz ball serpents that fly up to my face and inspect it or little black cats that can twist doorknobs. It's a toss up!

Good night.
